Friday, December 31, 2010

A Tree Will Grow Even While It's Hybernating

I don't know if he's suppressed or not, but I discovered a new author today Paulo Freire and John Taylor Gatto both write about the same thing essentially They write about how schooling is primarily about indoctrinating the young into roles of oppression, mostly, and domination for the wealthy. John Taylor Gatto gives an excellent history lesson on this issue in regards to schooling. Paulo Freire, complimentarily, gives a very clear philosophical and psychological explanation of the dynamics involved in oppressed/oppressor roles. Paulo Freire also seems to be very influenced by Karl Marx. I have not read any of Karl Marx's books so I personally won't make statements about him until I do read some of his material. I do know, however, that he's the original source for the socialist philosophy. 

After years of listening to right wing radio, I have only negative impressions and distortions about what socialism is. I know that the fact that I used the word "distortion" in the above sentence will make many a Republican and capitalist feel attacked, though many of the right wing talk show hosts use clear words and emotions of anger, hate, vengeance, slander and whatever else they feel justified in using. Then I noticed that they cover this all up with some sort of innocence, feeling victimized, and justification, as if their whole family has been expropriated already. As I've learned from A Course In Miracles, all attack is a call for help. I believe in a lot of the small businesses here in Albuquerque, and I want them to succeed and be prosperous in our capitalist economy. I find it hard to believe in mega-corporations and financial institutions and their quest for a denied privatized tyranny over the world however. 

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