Thursday, October 18, 2012

Resources Are What International Conflict is About

Disclaimer: I am not making any money off of my political blogs. I post links to videos and articles I am currently interested in and learning about. I am, however, selling my various forms of art work, and you can contact me through the various ways I have provided on my profiles on the internet. Thank you.

As I have been learning about the global political economy, presently and historically, I have come across economists, and authors who are particularly noteworthy in my research. One author of note is Martin Armstrong who is an American financial specialist, and who developed the Economic Confidence Model. You can read more about him on Wikipedia here I keep up to date with Armstrong's blogs, and, recently, he posted a blog in which I disagree with on a point. In his article on Iran & The Fate of the Middle East, he says that the Asian market is now the financial capital of the world. Please read the whole article here

I have also been a fan of Gerald Celente's who is also a very accurate economic forecaster. Take the time and listen to his various interviews, as he has educated me and many other people as to why and how Asia is heavily dependent on Western countries buying the products they produce. Here is his official media blog on which you can listen to his interviews with various media outlets I realize that there are various bloggers who are ripping off of Celente's name, and I want to be very clear with everyone that I am in no way affiliated with them.

Now, having gotten those very important points asserted, let's explore some of the things I've learned. While it is true that Asia, and China in particular, have become quite economically successful, it is largely true that China is very dependent on Americans buying and consuming their products. It was only decades ago that China was considered to be a poor country by Western standards. They are now a major and growing contending force on the global market. Keep in mind that China has become powerful with the assistance of the United States. One event in particular that accelerated this trend is when President Bill Clinton signed the North American Free Trade Agreement on January 1st, 1994. This agreement basically allowed for businesses, corporations and manufacturers to send American labor to impoverished countries overseas. This was done essentially so that manufacturers wouldn't have to spend so much in paying for labor, worker safety, as well as taxation (not that corporations are taxed in the same way as living individuals are taxed).

You can see that the economies of the world are dependent on each other just by the brief example outlined above. Celente has asserted in many of his interviews that China is dependent on the West buying their products, and, if the West keeps on declining with a devaluing dollar, and an inability of Americans to buy China's products, then China will also decline on the global market as well. This only makes too much sense to try to explain further. How will China be able to maintain its pristine economy when Americans no longer consume their cheap, worthless junk at a profitable rate?

A business relies on the loyalty and buying capability of its customer. Will at least $16 trillion, or more, dollars of US debt be able to continue buying from China? The US is in a debt that it will never be able to pay off, and continues to devalue its currency with quantitative easing policies that have no limits. In other words, the Federal Reserve of the US (a privately owned bank) is employed by our political and economic leaders to print money unto infinity in order to rescue the US's failing economy. China gets a lot of its natural resources from South American countries. China's economy also runs on oil, just like America's, Europe's, Russia's and the rest of the world's economies. China has trade agreements with the Middle East for oil, just like the US does, and like Russia does as well.

As best as can be known by an American citizen like myself, the US has had negative and failing foreign policies with the Middle East. A large part of that conflict has to do with the implementation of Israel as a sovereign state in 1948 in land on which Palestinians had lived on and established for many, many generations previously. Basically, elite Zionists cleared out Palestinians through war crimes after world war two on the scale of what the Nazis committed upon Jewish, and all manner of other peoples during world war two. Needless to say, all of which were completely illegal according to treaties made after world war two to keep countries from invading each other, and "clearing out" established populations.

Another part of the conflict the US has with the Middle East and why the US is so intimately involved with Middle Eastern affairs is the fact that the Middle East is one of the most oil-rich places in the world, if not the most. Resources are the number one priority of any economy. Oil is undeniably a central resource that all economies of today run on. It is a feat of artistic imagination that inferior men such as Hannity or Limbaugh can keep audiences convinced that US military force is in the Middle East to fight for freedom and democracy. But that is the collective level of stupidity, conviction, and mindful mindlessness that many Americans represent.

Anyone with average intelligence can see that Washington and Wall Street "need" and want to own the Middle East. I've already posted quotes from historical US officials such as George Kennan and the grand design outlined by American foreign policy planners after world war two, so I won't go into detail proving that there is indeed a grand plan to ultimately own the whole world in some kind of new world order with Washington supposedly at its center. There is a whole history of Washington propping up puppet dictators in Middle Eastern countries so as to have them serve America's interests--primarily the monopoly of owning oil fields, and, secondarily, to keep the brutalized and impoverished populations there "stabilized." Please read this article by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who has also educated me immensely with his articles, to learn more about the United States' involvement in the Middle East here

It is not a feat of the imagination to conclude that there are conflicts of varying degrees between the US, China, and Russia in regards to access to Middle Eastern oil. Israel and the United States have a very exclusive relationship in the war crimes they commit now on a daily basis in the Middle East. The psychopathic war criminal, and leader of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu wants to invade Iran like a dog scratching his ear to get a tick out. He tries to convince the world of Iran's intent to destroy the planet with non-existent inter-continental nuclear ballistic missiles by drawing a red line through a drawing of a bomb that very much looks like an incomplete bomb that Wile E. Coyote would use to try to finally get the Roadrunner before his American audience. He did this strategically, by the way, right before elections so as to pressure President Obama into helping him invade Iran.

It must clarified to the reader that Iran and Syria are the only two sovereign countries left in the Middle East. The rest of the countries are just roiling in chaotic turmoil induced by Washington's military. China and Russia are more or less passive/aggressive supporters of Syria, and Iran. Russia has been found recently to be providing arms to pro-governemental forces in Syria. These arms are used to fight the rebels in Syria who want to oust their president Bashar al Assad. The rebels of Syria, counteractively, are strongly backed and funded by Washington and US military forces. Once the US accomplishes destroying Syria's sovereignty and securing it with military forces, all that will be left to accomplish in the Middle East will be the destruction of Iran and its President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Russia and Asia are particularly concerned with the United States essentially owning Middle Eastern oil fields and governments, and I can see that there would be conflicts between the major powers of the world if it came down to the US and Israel waging war with Iran on blatantly deceptive reasons, just like the US's waged war with Iraq. I really don't think Russia and China will be happy and willing slaves to US foreign policy, and unwittingly assist the US take over the Middle East to their own strategic and economic detriment. I am certain that Russia and China do not want the asinine, corrupted, and now officially fascist government of the United States dictating to them oil prices to run their economies, and that they will militarily intervene with an attempted Middle Eastern takeover by the soft-handed warmongers of the US. They will do what they can to protect the independent investments they have in Middle Eastern oil. Who knows? Perhaps the still biggest military in the world--the United States'--will continue to maintain the upper hand over the psychologies of Russia and China.

--Evan Travnicek, 10/19/2012

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