Friday, December 18, 2015

Meme Catcher (version 1)

Here is the latest continuation on my pisiform design. The previous work, Lucky Trust, had a seven pointed star as the central design around which the fish shapes curled around. This piece has an eight pointed star at around the center. For some time now, I’ve been fascinated with torus knots, so I added extensions of loops from the overlapping bars of the star shape. Basically, the central design is one complicated, but orderly, closed loop. If it were to be seen in a more three dimensional depiction, it would look like a torus, or a doughnut. 

The fact that this design has an eight pointed star around the center, not seven, gives the picture a more orderly and stable sense. The fact that it’s framed in a perfect square shape adds to its stability and confidence. What we have here is a ballet of shapes, forms, and designs. If it were an animated GIF, it would show the pisiforms as uniformly coiling around the star shape. The smaller fish in the loops and rings would be just endlessly circling round and round. 

I had researched some of the designs that are used for decorative iron fence vector, and made some simple designs of my own to add to the details and finer structures supporting the composition. You can see the results of these as the catching the background and space like weathervanes. 

The idea of space in art catches my interest again in my recent work. The space that is shown here has stuff in it however. That is really how I see space anyways. Astrophysicists will tell you that space is actually full of radio and cosmic rays, as well as particles, such as photons, and electrons. Space really is not a vacuum. It has much information, physical and material, passing through it all the time. 

I liken my notion of space to the subconscious mind and information that’s just under the surface of awareness. You can see this expressed by text cut out from old books and prepared for this piece that is showing through a translucent layer of primer. I filled the spaces around the decor vector and bars of the star and rings with some light blue and lavender felt-tip pen. This gave the illustration a sense of collected or bunched up space. 

This drawing, overall, is a collection of charming designs, colors, shapes, and ideas—hence the title Meme Catcher. I hope to make more drawings, paintings, and prints of these types of designs in the future. I have many of my ideas stored away in notebooks and sketchbooks, so when the right times arise, I use those times to work on them and give them more reality with whatever medium I want to create them in. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Hidden by Class

The violence
Of refined, smooth classiness.
Jagged edges smoothed over
By sophisticated surreptitiousness,
And clandestine strategy.

Such flip-flops of meaning
Within chaotic iambic pantameters;
Prosaic as mosaics climb as ladders;
As spiders climb
As nocturnal bladders.

We will make it naked
Across the sea,
Where new consciousness resides;
Where Eden abides,
And male/female unity is more realized.

Tempted by greener pastures,
Greener seas, and sunnier days...
They beckon us on
In our unfulfilled states;
Unfulfillment drives cars.

I vacuum change like a politician.
There's a special orifice in my aura
That sucks up meaning,
Midnight searches,
And other purposes.

Yet, I build sky-scrapers in my dreams
Like Rumplestiltskin
And Ronald Crump.
They look at transmutating skies
With their clock faces--

Pointing in degrees
As to the time it takes
To feel from one mood to the next.
In shades of shine, and diffusions of shade--
Let it show, let it shine.

Believers of matter,
Eddies of dust, composers of elements,
Clay constructions of hands,
And potter's wheels
And galactic fish-bowl stands.

Recorded and grooved
Upon disk-disc trays.
Floppy and magnetic,
Digital and encoded;
Encrypted like a monk under a robe.

Enigmatic automatic.
Automated exhaust pipes.
Dreams by cereal boxes
Connected in trebeculations
Across grocery stores.

The heavy lunge
Of shock absorbers,
The engines of intent.
Taken, pushed, pulled, grasped,
Let go of, and flow relentlessly.

eVan--February 8th, 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015

Zeroes, Ones, Rocks and Digits

Ever doth my light
Carve out the definitions of shadows
Before their nonexistence
Is finally revealed.

With the lick of every flame
Morphs the craft of every shadow,
As change is constant
In the furniture of matter.

The waves of heaven and hell,
In the meanwhile,
Lap the shores of our consciousness,
And we must endure till the end.

A man's character is revealed in extremes.
Therefore, a lady must throw
Shit tests at him in order to
Measure the parameters of his demons.

Testing people pulls out
What they'd rather keep hidden.
What are some test you use with people
To determine roles they shall play for you?

Just notice the similarities
Between the word "gravity" & the word "grave."
Doth death pulleth us
Unconsciously towards it?

A person who is confident,
And can hide that confidence
Is equivalent to the fabled "sheathed sword."
And, by association,
The wolf in sheep's clothing.

So many laughable sub-communications.
Are they transparent?
Do their flaws
Make you feel exposed at times?

How many mating cues
Can you pack in a minute?
I'll bet you're unconscious of them all.
After all, it's those evil unnomina
Who perceive them, right?

But isn't fucking a continuous process
That rises and falls in intervals,
Rather than a categorized series of steps?
Isn't it fluid?

Oh, you mean it's a subtle vibe
That you carry around
Like a dainty scarf, Catching the notice of passersby,
Wind, and ether?

Well, we do know that something sells,
Something smells, and something tells.
Between the canyons of perception
They do undress.

eVan--January 30th, 2015